For decades, The Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg, Leominster, and Gardner has been a beacon of hope, a safe haven, and a place of opportunity for countless children in the community.
Starting off with humble beginnings— our club was the result of consolidating separate Fitchburg and Leominster clubhouses into one unified club in 2008. It started as a small gathering of passionate individuals who recognized the need for a nurturing environment where children could thrive and find guidance outside of school. They believed that every child, regardless of their background, deserved a chance to succeed.
As the club grew, so did its impact on the community. Through dedicated volunteers, generous donors, and tireless staff members, the Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg and Leominster became a vital force in the lives of children in North Central Massachusetts. It provided a safe space where kids could engage in enriching activities, explore their passions, and receive support in their academic journey.
The club's programs were designed to cater to the diverse interests and needs of its members. From athletics and arts to mentoring and career development, there was something for every child to embrace. Dedicated professionals and caring volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that the club remained a nurturing place where young minds could flourish.
Today, the Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg, Leominster, and Gardner continues to be a driving force in the region. Its influence extends beyond the walls of the club, reaching into the hearts and minds of the children it serves. Countless success stories have emerged from its programs, demonstrating the transformative power of love, support, and opportunity.
Graduates of the club's programs have gone on to achieve remarkable feats. Some have become successful entrepreneurs, community leaders, or mentors themselves, paying forward the guidance and inspiration they received. Others have pursued higher education, breaking cycles of limited opportunities and opening blue doors for future generations.
As the Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg, Leominster, and Gardner continues its noble mission, it remains an unwavering source of hope, inspiration, and opportunity for children in the community. It stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together with a shared vision. The club's legacy lives on, etched in the hearts of those whose lives it has touched, and in the thriving community it has helped build.
And so, the story of the Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg, Leominster, and
Gardner continues to unfold, one child at a time, as it remains a steadfast force, nurturing the dreams and potential of generations to come.
Afterschool experts have long recognized that learning doesn’t stop at 3PM. We agree that the hours after school are an opportunity to keep children and young adults, to inspire them to learn and to help them get the skills they need to succeed academically, socially, and professionally.
The after school program at the Boys & Girls Club of Fitchburg and Leominster is doing just that.
Our after school program is different from other after school programs. Our focus is on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM), while also offering programming in health, nutrition, community service, entrepreneurship, and of course, recreation and sports. The Club provides youth an extra opportunity to practice and reinforce the skills and concepts they learn in school.
We offer daily access to a broad range of programs in five Core Program Areas: Health and Life Skills, The Arts, Education & Career Development, Sports, Fitness & Recreation, and Character & Leadership Development.
In addition, the philosophy underlying our youth development programs seeks to instill in young people a sense of:
Competence – The feeling that there is something they can do well.
Usefulness – That life is an opportunity to do something of value for other people.
Belonging – A clubhouse environment where every individual knows he or she belongs and is accepted.
Power and Influence – The self-esteem to speak up and be heard.
Funded in part by the cities of Leominster & Fitchburg’s CDBG Programs
Approximately five percent (5%) of the Club’s annual budget is generated from programs or other fees. Our volunteer board accomplishes much of our fund-raising with the assistance of a part-time staff.
Roughly ninety-five percent (95%) of the $900,000+ budget comes from individual donations and our Annual Campaign, which meets the balance of our budgetary needs through personal gifts, grant awards, and event-driven fund-raising efforts.
The BGC of Fitchburg and Leominster is an IRS certified 501(c) (3) corporation with a non-profit tax I.D. number of 04-3576700. While the Club is not a budgeted agency of the local United Way, we are eligible to receive designated gifts via payroll deduction to the United Way of North Central Massachusetts, the state COMECC program, or any other United Way in the country. Our United Way number for designated gifts is 937789.
The Club is an autonomous member of the 4,000-strong Boys & Girls Club of America and is governed by its own Board of Directors. The Club is not part of any local, state, or federal government agency, or any religious organization.
Interim CEO
Sr. Director of Finance & Administration
Director of Operations
Director of Youth Development & Community Outreach
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